If you have questions or need assistance purchasing tickets, please contact our box office at (415) 392-4400. Patrons found in violation of the guidelines below will be reseated upon arrival.
Wheelchair Accessible Space
This seat will be removed to create access for a patron using a wheelchair. Any other patron will be reseated upon arrival.
Wheelchair Companion Seat
This seat is reserved for a friend or companion of a patron using a wheelchair. Any other patron will be reseated upon arrival.
Obstructed View Seat
This seat may have limited sightlines of the stage and/or performance area.
ASL Interpretation Seat
This seat will offer an unobstructed view of an American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter.
View from this seat is obstructed.
Wheelchair Space
This space is for wheelchair access only. No theater seat is available. Any other patron will be reseated upon arrival.
Social Distanced Seating
In an effort to keep all attendees properly distanced during the performance, the theater has created specific blocks of seats available in various sizes. When selecting seats for this event, we ask that you please purchase an entire block of seats. If there are no blocks appropriately sized for your party, please contact our box office at (415) 392-4400.
Limited View Seat
This seat may have a limited view due its side location and proximity to stage and sound towers.
Roast-Free Seat